Saturday, 26 February 2011

Finished Sculpt

Here is the turntable from my finished sculpt. I'm happy with the finished result and I feel like it has a good resemblance to the person I chose to sculpt. I really enjoyed working in Mudbox and I learned a lot about working in 3D. I really enjoy drawing portraits so I was looking forward to trying the same thing in 3D and although parts of replicating a face are much easier in 3D because it is more of an exact replica than an imagined replica in 2D, some things were a lot harder, the lips and mouth in particular were a lot harder than drawing them in 2D. But once a looked over my muscle research and tried to think about the muscles that made up that part of the face I got the hang of it.

If I could work longer on it I would really like to put more colour and texture on the sculpt but I think for the time frame I had to work on it I did a good job. I am definitely going to learn more about mudbox and try sculpting more heads.

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